Monday, May 30, 2005

my little kitchen is 1 year old today

Leo and I plan a quiet celebration at home.

(Best wishes to Santos at the scent of green bananas, which is also one today!)


Babe_KL said...

Congrats Cathy and Happy Burpday to My Little Kitchen!!!!

santos. said...

congratulations and happy birthday! leo's a cutie, i love cats with yeller eyes.

Zarah Maria said...

Happy biwday to you!
Happy biwday to you!
Happy biwday my uittle kitchen and Cathy!
Happy biwday to YOU!!

-song in the key of Tweety!:-)

Ana said...

Happy blogging birthday Cathy! May you keep on blogging for many years so that we can continue enjoying your company.

Cathy said...

Babe, Santos, Zarah, and Ana - thanks so much! I can't believe a year has gone by already. When I started this I'm not sure I really thought I would stick with it this long. Now I can't imagine giving it up!

P.S. Santos - I agree, Leo is a cutie!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Cathy! And, Leo looks so very festive for the event!

Reid said...

Hi Cathy,

Congratulations to you on your blog's first birthday. It's been a wonderful year for me as I got to read all about your culinary adventures...

Keep up the excellent work, and here's to another year in your "little kitchen"! =)

Cathy said...

Thanks Alice! I was hoping for a little less sedate picture of Leo - I sprinkled catnip all around, but I guess he wasn't in a partying mood! How was Montana?

Hi Reid! Are you back from SF? Thanks so much for your kind words - I have enjoyed getting to know you through our blogs and look forward to the coming year as well!

Nupur said...

Happy Birthday to an awesome blog! Congratulations Cathy! Yours is the blog that started me blogging so I owe you :)

Cathy said...

Lyn and Nupur - thanks so much!!