Sunday, June 19, 2005

A Very Berry Weekend

Strawberries and cherries (sour and sweet) from the farmer's market this morning and blueberries picked from my blueberry bush. I have plans for those strawberries and sour cherries, but haven't decided on anything yet for the sweet cherries and blueberries. Stay tuned...


Jennifer said...

Yum! I'm berry, berry envious!

Reid said...

Hi Cathy,

YAY! It's blueberry time again! =) Lucky you...I just got some raspberries from the grocery the other day and I'm still deciding what to make with them.

Stephanie said...

I wish we could find a farmer's market around here, but it seems they've all been closed for one reason or another. I really miss that...enjoy your berries and cherries!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing I love more than sweet cherries! I could never make anything with them...they don't last long enough without being eaten by me! I live for cherry season every year. What are your plans for the sour cherries...or will we find out soon enough?

Zarah Maria said...

M and I tried finding somewhere to buy a truckload of berries today as we went out cruising the country side - alas, no luck! I will salivate over yours instead then...

Cathy said...

Hi Jennifer - yup, it's pretty great having all these at once! I was really excited to find the sour cherries.

Hi Reid! Yes it is! Raspberries sound pretty wonderful too. When I have some delicious fruit, I'm always torn between making something with it and just eating it out of hand. Or, in the case of my blueberries, on my cereal! :P

Hi Stephanie! I wish this market was closer to where I live, but I feel lucky to have access to it at all. The really good farmer's markets I've been too are so popular, that I'm always surprised there aren't more around. I guess, though, it requires a perfect mix of location and participating farmers to make a market work.

Hi Alice - at least some of the sweet cherries will definitely be eaten "as is"! (The sour cherries were for jam - yum!)

Hi Zarah - sorry you weren't successful in your quest - maybe next weekend. Searching the countryside for fresh berries sounds like a great way to a weekend, especially when there's no studying to be done!!