Wednesday, October 06, 2004

NYC Weekend

I have a long weekend in NYC coming up which I'm really looking forward to. It's a special occasion of sorts since my parents are also going, so my brother has a fabulous weekend planned. We'll be seeing a play, eating out, and Sunday night we'll be cooking "A Seattle Chef's Relaxed Menu" from the October/November issue of Fine Cooking. Best of all, we get to visit with Bob and Chuck.

Have a wonderful weekend - I'll see you back here next week!


Zarah Maria said...

Ooooh, NYC, I'm soooo envious! Have a nice trip Cathy!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great time. Sounds like a fabulous trip! Wish my family enjoyed cooking together more, what a great way to spend time together.


Anonymous said...

in following the recipe for the warm green bean salad be aware that mixing the honey/vingar mix into the "warmed" oil will cause it to explode.

- Michael

Reid said...

Hi Cathy,

Have a wonderful time! Can't wait to see how the dinner turned out! =)

Cathy said...

Zarah Maria, Alice, and Reid - thank you all for your good wishes! I had a really great weekend.

Michael - thanks for the warning! I don't think the fat was very hot when Chuck added the vinegar mixture, so fortunately there was no explosion. We wouldn't have realized there was a potential hazard if you hadn't mentioned it though!