Sunday, June 04, 2006

Weaving: the towels are done!

They came out much softer then I remember them being - not much body at all. Not sure if it's the yarn or something I did. Anyway, they're done!


Zarah Maria said...

Oooh, Cathy, they're so pretty!

Rosa said...

How beautiful! I'm sure you are as proud as punch! 6 in total? wow!

Cathy said...

Hi Zarah - thanks!!

Hi Rosa - thanks! More relieved than anything! :) When I decided to wind such a long warp, I failed to consider the boredom factor!

Anonymous said...

Wow Cathy, your talents abound! At first I thought they were towels purchased from the store!

Cathy said...

Hi Rowena! Thanks so much!

santos. said...

beautiful job! great colours too :)