…a sign like this? Not me. I bought four heads, left one with Bob, and kept three for myself. This weekend I roasted two of them and made potato garlic soup. This is the first time I have roasted garlic where I have been happy with the results.

I followed Deborah Madison’s instructions in Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone. Her method is a little different in that you don’t cut the top of the garlic off. You peel off most of the outer papery skin, drizzle a little olive oil over the garlic, add some water to the dish, and cover it tightly with foil. Bake covered for 45 minutes at 350 F, then remove the foil and bake for another 30 minutes.

The garlic smelled really good as it was cooking, but the soup was amazing – better than potpourri any day!! The soup was made simply of onions, potatoes, the unpeeled roasted cloves of garlic, olive oil, bay leaves, salt, and water. It’s passed through a food mill, finished with a little cream and garnished with chives. What I found really surprising was that it tasted like a soup made with a rich stock and yet it used only water. It was delicious.

Mmmm, that soup sounds and looks good. That's interesting that the garlic roasting method uses water. I may have to try that for a comparison sometime. Thanks for the directions.
Hi Cathy,
To tell you the truth, I've never had roasted garlic soup. I can imagine the flavor of it though...must be nice! =)
Alice - I haven't roasted garlic very many times before, but when I did as I recall so much of it caramelized that there was very little that was usable. This method worked so well I think I'll stick with it. It'll be fun to experiment with different ways to use the roasted garlic!
Hi Reid - this was a first for me as well and it was nice! Now I'm imagining roasted garlic in mashed potatoes...
Wow! I can smell the garlic from here ;)
Hi Obachan - Yes, and I'm roasting more today for my terrine. Somebody better stop me before I put it on my morning cereal!
P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog. I just spent a little time reading your blog and I like it very much. We have something in common - living alone and having to eat everything we make!
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