I have been stumped for weeks trying to think of a different tag line for IMBB 11, but that little chant from childhood just wouldn’t go away. So be it. This is the eleventh edition of Alberto’s creation, Is My Blog Burning, in which bloggers the world over come together to celebrate a food, a dish, or a cooking method and share the results. This time the theme is beans and the date is January 23rd, 2005.
What kind of beans? Anything your heart desires. I will only go so far as to define a bean as a legume (so jelly beans and coffee beans are out). The beans can be dried, fresh, canned, in the pod or not, or they could even be sprouted. They can be kidney beans, black-eyed peas, black beans, chickpeas, brown lentils, red lentils, chana dal, green beans, fava beans, navy beans, pinto beans, you name it. Prepare your creation on or before the 23rd, and then tell us all about it in a post to your blog on the 23rd. Once you’ve posted send me an email with the link to your entry. If you don’t have a blog and you’d like to participate, by all means do! Just email your entry to me and I will post it on my blog. Either way, it will be helpful to those of us tasting your entry virtually, if you include photos and a recipe (or a link to a recipe) if possible. On or about the 24th I will post a wrap-up so we can all find our way to every single beanie post.
As you may know, in some cultures beans are served on New Year’s Day and thought to bring luck or prosperity. For example, black-eyed peas are served in a dish called Hoppin’ John in the southern U.S. states and are thought to bring good luck in the new year. You may be eating your beans a little late, but here’s hoping they bring you a new year of peace, health and prosperity. Happy New Year to all!
So cool Cathy! I might end up with a hummus, my exam is on the 21st, but I'm definetly looking forward to participating!
Fabulous theme Cathy! Can't wait! Viv
Hi Cathy,
Thanks for hosting and coming up with an interesting theme ingredient. I'll have to think of this one, but I'm definitely participating!
Yay! IMBB is back on!
Count on an entry for your wonderful theme on Obsession With Food!
Hi Cathy. Thanks for hosting January's event and count "At Our Table" in. Beans will be a fun theme to work with.
Hi Cathy,
That's a very nice way to head start in IMBB 2005... I think I will bring up something.
Happy New Year!
I have ideas but no possibility of posting a picture.
Is that alright, or is a picture necessary in order to prove the validity of a recipe?
Hi Zarah, Viv, Reid, Derrick, Linda, Chika - can't wait to see your entries!
Hi LeeLoreya - welcome! You absolutely do not have to post a photo. All that is required is that you write about what you cooked (and that it contain beans).
Yeah! I'm super excited...I LOVE beans! Great theme, can't wait! (Too many exclamation points?)
Hi Alice! I had a feeling you'd approve of the theme!
Happy New Year Cathy! Looking forward to joining again despite the Asian tsunami. Check out my food blog too at www.balutpenoy.blogspot.com..still developing it though. have a nice day!
Cathy...great theme! Count on LENNDEVOURS diving back into the IMBB pond...
Plus, it's just days before Wine Blogging Wednesday #5...perfect timing...I think we should all have beans and wacky-named vino!
Annalyn - Happy new year to you also! Your food blog looks great - I look forward to seeing what you come up with for this IMBB.
Lenn - Glad you'll be participating! I haven't done any WBW's since the first - too many events to keep up with! This wacky-named wine one is tempting though...
Christine - yes, beans are good - and more bean recipes is very good!
Hi Cathy! I've been an IMBB member for a couple of months now but this will be my first time to enter, just the right timing to start the year.
Interesting to have beans as this month's theme. Now, to decide which recipe to post. :-)
Hi Karen - I had not seen your blog before - it looks really interesting. I'll enjoy catching up on your old posts. Glad to have you aboard for the next IMBB too!
I am a newbie to IMBB so have tons of questions, hope you don't mind. Do beans have to be the main ingredient of the dish? Or can it just be one of the main ingredients? And does the recipe have to be original or can you use/modify a recipe from a cookbook and just reference it?
Hi Lynn - I'm happy to answer any questions you have. There really aren't many rules - you can use the beans however you like with whatever other ingredients you choose. It doesn't have to be an original recipe, but there are some things to think about before you post someone else's recipe on your blog. Here are a couple of links with some discussion on that topic: kitchen conference topic - Recipes and copyrights and IMBB forum topic - Food Blogs and Other People's Recipes. What I generally do is find a recipe on-line and link to it or make up an original recipe. Often an "original" recipe is based another published recipe, and if that's the case it's a good idea to credit the source of that recipe.
I hope you will decide to participate in IMBB 11 - it really is a lot of fun!
this sounds like fun...i'm working on my rice and peas (jamaican) recipe, so i'd love to participate!
Mrs Pilkington - that sounds great! I'm glad you'll be joing us and can't wait to read about your rice and peas!
I am so there. I love beans, especially in the winter. Indeed, it was a bit of a challenge to "pick one" of the numerous recipes I use but I think I have a good one for you.
Charlotte - oh beans are good - aren't they? I'm glad you'll be participating - look forward to seeing your entry!
Cathy, you can count on me! Great theme!
Hi Carolyn! Glad to here it!
I'm definitely in for this one, my first. Thanks for hosting it. Maureen http://hungrymouth.typepad.com/
Hi Maureen - That's wonderful! It's getting close isn't it? I need to start thinking about what I'll make...
You are such a sweetheart. I am a total dunce when it comes to this blogging stuff. I really can't figure out how to make a comment here...much less make a link to my blog. But somehow I'll figure it out on the 23rd!
Well, living in the land where baked beans is served with EVERYTHING, I guess it's time I learned to do something interesting with legumes... I'll be there on the 23rd!
Anon - don't worry, all you need to do is post and send me an email (OK, I guess you do have to send me the link, but it can just be typed out) - I'll post a link to your blog in the round-up. Anyway, I'm glad you'll be joining in on the festivities on the 23rd!
Jeanne - hi! You're in England, right? I didn't realize baked beans were a big thing there! When I think of baked beans I think of Boston. Anyway, I'm glad you'll be there on the 23rd!!
Thanks Cathy! I think I will submit my humble recipe, and managed to persuade a friend to do it too. Had so much fun making it last weekend.
I'm back in the IMBB game!
You can find my recipe and post here:
Thanks for hosting...gonna join us for WBW on Wednesday?
Lenn Thompson
I have just made the switch to a real blogging program and am still trying to figure things out (sorry for the anonymous posting - I can't seem to remember my password)
I THOUGHT I was going to get it together to post for IMBB#11 - it's such a great theme. This is as close as I could get:
http://etherwork.net/blog/index.php?p=2-ejm (aka llizard)
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