A morning at Homestead Farm yielded just under 16 pounds of sour cherries


Update: Sorry, I got the recipe on-line, so I should have included the link earlier. Anyway, you'll find it here - it's very good!
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That pie looks brilliant, Cathy. And clearly worth all the work of pitting the cherries.
Hi Nic! I've also got loads of pitted cherries in the freezer for more pies, jam, or whatever. It's a very good feeling - like money in the bank!
I'm not a big fan of pie, but that looks delicious!
Thanks Jenn!!
Yummy, I made a cherry pie too but I used bings. Thankfully, I didnt have to pit them. How much did those cherries cost?
Hi Randi - I just took a look at your pie - I'll bet it was good! I can't believe you were able to get Bing cherries for $1.99 a pound! They're running five or six dollars a pound around here at the moment. I picked my cherries and paid $1.84 a pound. Sour cherries are very fragile and available for just a short time, so they are hard to come by. I didn't realize until this year that they were available at local pick-your-own farms.
Wowie Zowie! That's a lot of pitting! But the end result looks fabulous, darling! I don't even like cherries, but I think I could eat that! Nice pictures!!!
My goodness, that looks delicous! And I'm not even a huge fan of cherry pies. Good for you for pitting all those cherries and stocking up.
Fantastic! While picking cherries is hard work, the results are worth it!
Hi Rosa! Thanks so much - don't know if you've ever had sour cherries, but they're quite different from "eating" cherries. Really yummy!
Hi Tea! Once I got started picking it was hard to stop! I'm afraid after the picking my industriousness was more a matter of necessity than desire! Sour cherries only last a day or two after they're picked.
Hi Ivonne! Picking was surprisingly easy, pitting got old after an hour or so! :)
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