In my family it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without pie. Pumpkin pie and mincemeat pie, to be specific. This year we're going out to dinner and then everyone is coming over to my house afterwards for dessert and a little puzzle-making. That's just my speed... leave the turkey worries to someone else and just bake!
Here's my Mom's recipe for pumpkin pie, which in my opinion is the best pumpkin pie. It's much more custard-like than any other pumpkin pie I've had, probably because it has more milk and eggs. This makes for a lighter texture that I especially like. I also like all the spices in it. I use both skim milk and fat free evaporated milk. I've also baked it in a casserole without a crust and even that stripped down version is pretty great - perfect for post-Thanksgiving personal indulgence.
Pumpkin Pie
1 1/2 cups cooked pumpkin
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cloves
3 slightly-beaten eggs
1 1/2 cups milk
2/3 cup evaporated milk
Mix everything together and pour into an unbaked pie crust (you'll need a deep 10-inch pie plate). Bake at 400 F for 50 minutes or until a sharp knife comes out clean.
Now if you're wondering about the mincemeat pie, it's hardly a recipe, but it is also very, very good. Mix a large jar of mincemeat with a large can of crushed pineapple (I drained it slightly) and about half a cup of chopped walnuts. Line a deep 10-inch pie plate with pastry, pour in filling, and top with pastry. Crimp the edge, poke a few holes in the top crust, and bake at 425 F for 30 minutes.
happy thanksgiving! i saw some freshly made mincemeat today at the farmers market, and they already had the pineapple in it! i can't say i bought any though. no room for pie this year. have a lovely celebration!
Hi Santos! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! I'll have to let my Mom know that - she'll get a kick that someone is putting up mincemeat with pineapple in it. Hope your un-celebration is lovely as well - have a great day!
happy thanksgiving! the pies look PERFECT.
Hi Cathy, as always a post worthy of the holiday (and one to get me salivating). A most happy Turkey (and Pumpkin Pie) day to you!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Did you say, "puzzle making"? As in... jigsaw puzzle??? That's exactly what my mother and I did when I traveled to see her in Florida this week. We didn't go out for turkey & trimmings though, I had a grand ole time making it all myself.
Hi pinknest - thanks! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
Hi Chuck! Thanks - it was indeed a most happy day!
Hi Grommie - yes, as in jigsaw puzzle. I don't get a chance to do one very often, but I think they're a great way to pass a few hours, cozy at home with friends and/or family. Glad to hear you had fun fixing dinner - hope it was a great day all around!
I don't know you but I am a fellow Maida fan. I can't believe you didn't use HER pumpkin pie recipe, which I have been using for almost 20 years. (The one where she has you build up the crusts higher than the pie plate and freeze it that way so it holds more pumpkin, LOL!!) It is just PERFECT. I am sure yours was yummy too! But try hers one day!
Hi Nancy! I have to admit, I don't think to check Maida's other cookbooks (i.e. those other than her cookie books) as often as I should. It hadn't even occurred to me that she might have a pumpkin pie recipe! I've got all her books, so I should be able to find it. I also have lots and lots of pumpkin, so it's not too late!
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