I am so excited about this trip, but quite unprepared. The trip has been in the works for over a year and a half, but I still feel like it snuck up on me. In preparation for my last trip to Italy I read everything I could get my hands on and studied the language a little on my own. This time my preparation has consisted mostly of dreaming!
I plan to take copious notes and oodles of photos, so I'll have lots to tell you upon my return! For now I leave you with a picture of Bob and Chuck's life-like realization of me, the Greek Theatre in Taormina, and Mount Etna executed in sugar cubes, construction paper and photo snippets. Arrivederci! See you back here on May 14th!!

Have a wonderful trip! I look forward to seeing your pics and reading all about your adventures when you get back.
Hi, you may contact Ronald, of http://www.lovesicily.com/blog/ !
I'm sure you'll enjoy your travel. I absolutely LOVE Sicily !
Lucky, lucky you! Have a great time...I've no doubt you will! Can't wait to hear about it when you get back.
Have a fantastic time- I hope you actually get a chance to blog en-route. I have so many fulfilling, satisfyingly delicious and vivid food memories of my trip to Italy (Campagna to be specific) a few years ago.. Mmmmmmmmmm
Wow! I am so, so behind on keeping up with the food blog scene, I had no idea you were planning a trip to Sicily! Good for you, and I hope you have the best time of your life! I'm looking forward to future posts. :-)
I'm also glad that you liked the spaghetti/lamb/curry recipe. I swear my folder of recipes is getting out of hand again and trying to get through them all is just daunting to say the least. I think I'll have to limit myself to perhaps ONE recipe per week instead of the usual 5 or so. ;-)
Again, have a fantastic trip and see you back soon!
Roll your clothes, don't fold. You can fit so much more that way (I was able to pack for two+ weeks, including a wedding dress!, in one suitcase). And bring just a few basic pants/skirts...with tops that can go with everything.
And if you're really, really lucky...you'll find a place along the way to do your laundry!
Have a fantastic time.
Hi Biscuit girl! Thanks - I did! I plan to start posting some pics and talking about the trip and (of course) the FOOD tomorrow.
Hi Laura! Me too!!!
Hi Alice! Thanks, I really had a wonderful time. I couldn't have asked for getter travelling companions (Bob and Chuck), nor could I have ever imagined how beautiful Sicily would be. I want to go back!
Hi Clementine! Thanks! Sorry I wasn't able to blog enroute, but stay tuned... I'll plan to start blogging about the trip tomorrow.
Hi Rowena! Wow - I can't imagine trying five new recipes every week! Sicily was amazing - I had the best time!
Hi Stephanie! Thanks for the packing tips! I was already packed by the time I read your comment, but my brother tried "rolling" when packing to come home and was impressed with how well it worked!
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