Monday, May 23, 2005

Mondays with Maida - Indian Figlets

Indian Figlets - oh, and guess where the plate came from!
Page 51 in the old book / page 84 in the new book

These cookies are an interesting combination of spice, lemon and figs. I thought the combination of lemon and fig sounded really good, but I felt that the lemon was overpowered by the spice and I think I prefer an uninterrupted dose of fig (as in a fig bar) rather than bits of fig scattered within the cookie.

I had no difficulties making these cookies. They went together easily and there were no unusual ingredients. I found that Sunmaid sells packaged figs now, so I had no trouble finding those either.

The cookie panel had lots to say this time, so without further ado, here they are!

Suzanne: "Not much to say about the "Indian Figlets". You could definitely taste the ginger and other spices. Walnuts would have been a good addition. I don't think children would like this cookie since you could feel the seeds from the fig when you bit down on the cookie. I guess I'm not going to get excited until we get back to chocolate cookies. Rating - 3"

Denny: "They were good but lack crunch. Raisins instead of figs maybe, but definitely would be better with nuts. Phil steered me toward the raisins. The hint of lemon added to their flavor. Rating - 3.8"

Laura: "Moist and yummy figgy cookie with a delightful hint of lemon! Rating - 3"

Phil: "A cross between a Fig Newton and a Post-it. Chock full of fig chunks with a hint of lemon (interesting contrast) mixed in with a puffy cookie filling. The tactile challenges this gooey, fig endowed cookie poses, however, makes it quite unsuitable for returning to work at a computer keyboard any time soon. Rating - 2.9"

Overall rating by the panel - 3.2

Next week - Hawaiian Pineapple Cookies

Nutrition Facts


Nic said...

Hey Cathy. I'm glad you had a great time in Italy but I'm also glad to see Mondays with Maida back again. I'm hooked!

Reid said...

Hi Cathy,

At first these sounded interesting, but in my opinion, I wouldn't think the flavor combination of figs and lemons go together too well (unless maybe in a compote). Oh well...I'm waiting for the HAWAIIAN pineapple cookies next week! =P

Cathy said...

Hi Nic - I kind of missed making the cookies too! Glad you look forward to these posts, sometimes I'm afraid they are kind of repetitive.

Hi Reid - I had a feeling the Hawaiian Pineapple cookies would catch your eye!