I love that picture. It’s reminiscent of Norman Rockwell’s Freedom from Want with the billowy white curtains, the Thanksgiving turkey, and everyone gathered around the table, but it has the distinctive stamp of my family… my grandfather pleased as punch with his newest grandson, my brother clowning for the camera, my other brother giving him a look, the rest of us intently focused on the camera and on smiling (not too much, not too little, and don’t blink!), and my father, behind the camera, archiving this wondrous moment forever. But enough about me...
I am pleased as punch to be hosting Blogging by Mail 3, a care package swap for food bloggers and their readers first conceived of and hosted by Nic. What makes this event different from other food blogging events and so wonderful is the opportunity to learn a little bit about a fellow food blogger or food blog reader… where they’re from, what their handwriting looks like, what kind of cookies they like… you get the idea. With the hopes of building on that and with the theme “Home for the Holidays”, I propose that this time around your package include some or all of the following:
- The food section from your local paper
- A grocery store flyer from a store where you shop
- A photo of your kitchen
- A favorite holiday recipe
- A food item made from a family recipe (and the recipe!)
- A handwritten note from you explaining a bit about the package contents, telling about an important holiday for your family and your traditions for that holiday, and telling about your plans for the upcoming holiday season.
As always, Blogging by Mail is an international event and you don’t have to have a food blog to participate. Here’s how it works…
- Send me an email at mylittlekitchen at gmail dot com with the subject BBM3 no later than 10/23/2005
- Include your name, address, blog name and URL (if you have one), and any allergies or dislikes
- If you’d prefer to swap with someone in your own country to save on shipping costs, let me know and I’ll try my best to accommodate you
- I will send you the name and address of the person you will be sending a package to by 10/31/2005
- You should ship your package no later than 11/15/2005
- When you get your package, either post to your blog and send me the permalink or send me an email (with a photo if you can!) and I’ll include the information in the round-up.
- The round-up will be done a little differently this time. I’ve already created the post where the round-up will appear. It’s right here. As people sign up I will add them to the list of participants and as packages arrive and people post to their blogs or email me, I’ll update the round-up.
I think that's it. If you think of something I've missed or have any questions let me know!
Wonderful! My email is on it's way...
Great post to kick off this round, Cathy. I think putting in local food sections is a fantastic idea!
So, which one is you? :)
I love, love, love the picture!
I love that picture too--it is so like so many pictures of my family on holidays. My father sat in the same place, the window behind him, we had flowered wallpaper, even out chairs looked the same.
Brings back wonderful memories.
Awesome pic! And fun "blogging by mail" theme....I'm a new reader at baking sheet, and it looks like fun!
sounds like fun...I hope it will be ok if I make up a package with an Indian festival theme...the "festival of lights".
Hi Nic - thanks!
Hi Alice - I had a feeling you'd be asking that! I'm in the middle on your right. That's Bob sitting next to me!
Hi Chuck! I knew you would!!
Hi Mary - thanks! I'm lucky enough to be the caretaker of my Dad's entire collection of slides. I hope to eventually scan them all, but in the meantime, it's fun to take an occasional trip down memory lane!
Hi vdoprincess - thanks! It is fun, hope you'll sign up!
Hi Nupur - most definitely! I leave it to you (and all the other participants) to select a holiday that has special meaning for you. Hope you'll be signing up!
Argghh! Cathy this is such a great idea and I vaguely remember BBM on Nic's site but I'll have to sit this one out {just too much going on right now with us having to move}. I am looking forward to the round-up though!
I thought so! ;)
Oh, my, I absolutely love that picture!!
Oh Rowena! Darn, I wish you could have (I didn't know you were moving). Well, maybe next time.
Hi Alice - really? It's funny, I was thinking of asking you which one you thought I was, but then thought nah...
Hi s'kat - thanks!
hi there
i'm living in the netherlands.....
can i partecipate as wel?or is this just an us-only thing?
greeting from a sunny(just for today)holland
Just to follow up on Lisette's question in case anyone else was wondering (I've emailed Lisette and she has already signed up) - BBM is an international event and is open to participants all over the world, not just in the US. That really is part of the fun, so please do send me an email if you'd like to sign up!
Hi Lisette - that's wonderful! I'll include the link with your other information on my BBM3 sign-up list.
I love your ideas, Cathy. Can't wait for this go-around.
Hi Amy - Goodie! The more the merrier!
I would love to sign up!
Hi Clare - yay! Glad to have you!
nice.. i'm new in the food-blogsphere.. would love to sign-up :)
Hi Swee - I got your email and you're on the list!
oh yes! Put me on the list. I can't wait to fill a box with goodies. I'm just about to send you an email, Cathy.
Hi Shauna - Got it! It's official - you're signed up!
Ack. As always, I am late for an event. Next time you simply MUST add this to stickydate! I look forward to seeing what people get/sent and to the next time.
Happy, happy, holidays.
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