Monday, October 24, 2005

Blogging by Mail 3 - The Round-up

The packages have landed...

*** 110 Packages arrived *** 8 Packages in the mail ***

Nearly all the package have arrived. There are a few more that hopefully will find there way soon. Be sure to let me know of any late arrivals - I'll happily update the list!

In other news: BBM4 has been announced!

Here's the list of BBM3 participants with the latest on package departures and arrivals...

Kim of Stepping Stones >>pkg in the mail
>> Kim's package from Stephanie arrived in Albania, but unfortunately Kim is temporarily in Canada so her husband is home enjoying its contents. The package was loaded with Halloween candy and also included skull wine goblets, homemade lemon marmelade, and 2 CD's of Stephanie's favorite music (Stephanie must have been reading Jason's mind!).

Clare of eat stuff - New South Wales >>pkg arrived
>> Clare's package from Ruth arrived - details soon!
Niki of Esurientes - The Comfort Zone - Victoria >>pkg arrived
>> Niki's package from Jocelyn arrived with homemade rum-soaked cranberry muffins, Mexican wedding cookies, and Thanksgiving-themed chocolates from Joseph Schmidt.
Cindy of A Few of My Favourite Things! - Victoria >>pkg arrived
>> Cindy's package from Mari arrived with the most amazing cookies you've ever seen - you must take a look!
Ed of Tomato - Victoria >>pkg arrived
>> Ed's package from Sue arrived with Scharffen Berger chocolate, US-themed cookie cutters, Chick-O-Sticks candy, and a cocktail book.

Eva >>pkg arrived
>> Eva's package from Chiara arrived with Pannetone, Torrone, Sardinian honeys, and homemade preserved peppers.

Jason (aka Templar) of Food Ninja - Manitoba >>pkg arrived
>> Jason's package from Nico arrived with Belgian chocolate, BBQ sauce, an Almond filled cake, spice bread, and a wonderful stew recipe.
Ana of Pumpkin Pie Bungalow - Ontario >>pkg arrived
>> Ana's package from Kristina arrived with wonderful Swedish holiday treats including home baked Nut Tops and Lussekatter and much, much more!
Christine of Occasionally Christine - Ontario >>pkg arrived
>> Christine's package from Robin arrived with yummy homemade Mexican Wedding Cookies (and recipe) and several varieties of chocolate bars.
Nadine of that's real life - Saskatchewan >>pkg in the mail
>> Nadine's package from Bev arrived, after a little delay in customs, with some potent chili powder, a cookbook, cowpie, mango pear salsa, and lots more!

Krista of The Stichin' Sheep >>pkg arrived
>> Krista's package from Cindy arrived and as Krista put it, Cindy pretty much cleared out the candy aisle of some local candy store! Cindy also told Krista about how she celebrates her favorite holiday, the Chinese New Year. She also included some yarn in the package!
Melissa of Banlieue Blog >>pkg arrived

Kriszti >>pkg arrived
>>Kriszti's package from Karen arrived with a cut little teddy bear and all the fixin's for a real American Thanksgiving!

Chiara of la cuoca petulante >>pkg arrived
>> Chiara's package from Mickey arrived with everything one might need to celebrate Sinter Klaas, including chocolate, marzipan, cinnamon candles, and even cinnamon mustard!
Winnie of get in my head. or my belly. same thing. >>pkg arrived
>> Winnie's package from Mari arrive - more details soon!
Pascale >>pkg in the mail

Viviene of Sweets for My Sweet Tooth >>pkg arrived
>> Viviene's package from Niki arrived with all kinds of goodies - homemade plum & nectarine jam (mmmm... I know that's good!), home baked Anzac biscuits, all sorts of Australian candies, a Donna Hay magazine, and lots more!
Swee of Just Heavenly >>pkg arrived
>> Swee's package from Michelle arrived with a Pennsylvania Dutch cookbook, souvenirs from Disney World, chocolate chip banana bread, lemon almond biscotti, and recipes.
Twink >>pkg arrived

Karen of bucaio >>pkg arrived
>> Karen's package from Celeste arrived with homemade Butterball cookies, Tootsie Rolls, Tazo teas, and Ghiradelli chocolates.

Cheryl of she bakes and she cooks >>pkg arrived
>> Cheryl's package from Sarah arrived with all sorts of Christmas goodies and surprises. Best of all were homebaked cookies - Schiklosch and Coconut macaroons - and the Martha Stewart Holiday Cookies magazine.
Ruth of my little cyberspot >>pkg arrived
>> Ruth's package from Michelle arrived with Christmas candy, homemade candied walnuts, and family recipes for brownies and corn bread.
Kai of cooking baking eating enjoying - all about food >>pkg arrived
Debbie of Debbie's Multiply Site >>pkg arrived
>> Debbie's package from Lisette arrived and includes some yummy cookies and other goodies as well.
Cass of chef cass loves to cook >>pkg arrived
>> Cass' package from Christine arrived with lots of yummy chocolate and a food magazine.
Mumu of acuriousmix >>pkg arrived

South Korea
Jenn of I Got Two Shoes >>pkg arrived
>> Jenn's package from Eva arrived and was enjoyed by Jenn and her students! The package was loaded with all sorts of interesting and wonderful Swedish and Belgian treats from Reindeer salami to a gingerbread house kit. Surprise! A second package arrived from Eva with yet more treats including more Reindeer salami and Elk salami too!

Tracey of Tracey Marshall Knows Swedish >>pkg arrived
>> Tracey's package from Molly arrived with homemade chocolate and walnut cookies, pumpkin butter, Tazo tea, and the Thanksgiving issue of Food and Wine magazine.
Kristina of Clivia's cuisine >>pkg arrived
>> Kristina's package from Cass arrived Cass told Kristina about the Dragonboat festival and included makings for dumplings, dried limes and plums, laksa mix, and more!

The Netherlands
Lisette of drakakoe's love for food >>pkg arrived
>> Lisette's package from Sandra arrived with homemade citrus-pistachio cookies, candy, cookie cutter and tea towel, Christmas ornament, and much more!
Mari of Mevrouw Cupcake >>pkg arrived
>> Mari's package from Keri arrived - should hear more soon!
Mickey >>pkg arrived
>> Mickey's package from Shelley arrived with lots of goodies from Virginia, including a bread mix from a local tavern, Brunswick stew, ham paté, and peanuts. More details here.

Jess of Scarf-o-matic - England >>pkg arrived
>> Jess' package from Caryn arrived with homemade foodbars, Sharffen Berger chocolate bars, dried fruits, trail mix, and seeds for a plant that attract hummingbirds.
Vivian A Life in Food - England >>pkg arrived
>> Vivian's package from Gabrielle arrived with fig and ginger jam (ooh, that sounds good!), See's Candies, Green Tea Mints, and food sections, catalogues, and flyers galore!

Kitty of KittyBean - Pacific Northwest >>pkg arrived
>> Kitty's package from Nupur arrived...details to follow!
Leslie of unlikely domesticate - Alaska >>pkg arrived
>> Leslie's package from Kari arrived!
Robin - Arizona >>pkg arrived
>> Robin's package from Michelle arrived with homemade snickerdoodles and more!
Rainey of Making Myself a Garden - California >>pkg arrived
>> Rainey's package from Lisa arrived - more details later!
Janis of Yarn! - California >>pkg arrived
>> Janis' package from Andrea arrived with a bounty of Philly junk food and homemade macaroons!
Carrie - California >>pkg arrived
>> Carrie's package from Lindy arrived - should hear more soon!
Gabrielle of - California >>pkg arrived
>> Gabrielle's package from Amy arrived - details soon!
Mare of Marezone - California >>pkg arrived
>> Mare's package from Amy arrived with homemade pumpkin bread and spicy treats from Texas - Chipolte peppers and Razzpotle sauce.
Karen - California >>pkg arrived
>> Karen's package from Krista arrived and according to Karen it included "some very different things for a holiday we do not celebrate in [the US]." Karen enjoyed the experience and enjoyed getting to know Krista a little better through their emails.
Carol of Celadon Cupcake - California >>pkg arrived
>> Carol's package from Vivian arrived with some homemade shortbread and goodies from Marks & Spencer!
Lori & Evan of lorispeak - California >>pkg arrived
>> Lori & Evan's package from Stef with two Filipino breads - Pan de Sal and Ensaymada Espesyal.
Anne of let me eat bread - California >>pkg arrived
>> Anne's package from Jenn arrived with all sorts of interesting Korean treats - chocolate covered sunflower seeds, "health" rice, cheese rice flavoring, "smart" herb tea, and lots more!
Nic of bakingsheet - California >>pkg arrived
Sue - California >>pkg arrived
>> Sue's package from Julie arrived - details soon!
Robyn (aka Chronicler) of Food Chronicles - California >>pkg arrived
>> Robyn's package from Mumu arrived and included all sorts of goodies for celebrating the Chinese New Year - sauce mixes, dried guava, a food and wine magazine from Singapore, and recipes.
Celeste of Chopstick Cinema - California >>pkg arrived
>> Celeste's package from Lauren arrived with a candle, brownies, local creamed blackberry honey, and (of course) chopsticks!
Sima of daydreamr's photos - California >>pkg arrived
>> Sima's package from Grace arrived with delicious southern specialties including Brunswick stew, peanuts, and homemade pecan pie bars.
Mari of mischeif mari cookies - California >>pkg arrived
>> Mari's package from Mia arrived with a local cookbook, home baked hermit cookies, and pumpkin bread.
Kristy of Chef Kristy - California >>pkg arrived
>> Kristy's package from Jennifer arrived and included homebaked Spicy Sweet Potato Cookies and homemade Christmas Cracker Candies, as well as coffee and beignet mix.
Caryn of Delicious! Delicious! - California >>pkg arrived
>> Caryn's package from Amy arrived - did she share it with Mr. R? Stay tuned!
Nancy - California >>pkg in the mail
>> Nancy's package from Ruth arrived with foods from Philly including Herr's potato chips, Tastykakes, Ben Franklin Black Cherry Soda, Bookbinders snapper soup, and homemade Peach Melba jam!
Lisa of Comfort Food - California >>pkg arrived
>> Lisa's package from Viviene arrived with all sorts of sweets from Malaysia - chocolate, candies (including some Coconut/Durian Dudol mini candies), several kinds of cookies (including homemade cornflake cookies), and recipes too!
Jocelyn - California >>pkg arrived
>> Jocelyn's package from Raquel arrived and included homemade cookies, maple syrup and a magnet
Diane - TheUltimateTofu - California >>pkg in the mail
>> Diane's package from Heather arrived - details to follow!
Deborah - Colorado >>pkg arrived
>> Deborah's package from Swee arrived - details coming soon!
Samantha of The Samantha Files - Connecticut
>> Samantha's package from Kristy arrived - hope to hear more soon!
Jess of Snail Mail Creations - Connecticut >>pkg arrived
>> Jess' package from Dixie arrived with Smoky Mountain taffy, homegrown and home canned peaches (yum!), smoked sausage, and blackberry preserves from the Loveless Cafe in Nashville. Katherine of ToastPoint - Washington, DC >>pkg arrived
>> Katherine's package from Janis arrived with "purse" Tabasco sauce, homemade garlicky cranberry chutney, Ghiradelli chocolate, lemon-stuffed olives, fortune cookies and more!
Amy of Beauty Joy Food - Florida >>pkg arrived
>> Amy's package from Deb arrived with delicious chocolates (made by Deb!), her Mom's recipe for potato latkes, some sugarless bar cookies, and a package of menorah candles.
Cindy - Florida
>> According to the USPS, Cindy's package from Alice arrived. Alice included homebaked maple date bars and mocha-cappucino chip cookies, a Christmas cookbook, a Christmas tea towel, a set of citrus oils to use in baking, and a veggie dip mix.
Hannah of - Georgia >>pkg arrived
>> Hannah's package from Melissa arrived with mustard, caramels, vanilla sugar, chocolate cake, a French cooking magazine, recipes, and more!
Debbie of Puanani - Hawaii >>pkg arrived
>> Debbie's package from Lori & Evan arrived with dried beancurd sticks and a recipe that makes use of them, almond crunch, and even some yarn!
Reid of 'Ono Kine Grindz - Hawaii >>pkg in the mail
Lauren - Indiana >>pkg arrived
>> Lauren's package from Lisa arrived with a variety of indulgent sweets and treats selected by Lisa to help relieve the stress of the holiday season: candy, tea, biscotti, dried fruit, energy bars, and homemade granola. Ahhh....
Sarah of Cooking with The Headhunter - Indiana >>pkg arrived
>> Sarah's package from Tracey arrived with much anticipated Swedish goodies - homemade pepparkakor, Swedish candies, the cutest marzipan pig ever, all the makings for Glogg, and a Christmas magazine.
Heather of Eating for One - Kansas >>pkg arrived
>> Heather's package from Deborah arrived with homemade oatmeal cookies, candy, Vegemite, candy, double Deveon cream, scone mix, golden syrup, and more!
Ann - Kansas
>> Ann's package from Mare arrived - hope to hear more later!
Jennifer of Weekly Dish - Louisiana >>pkg arrived
>> Jennifer's package from Heather arrived with homemade Monster Cookies, sunflower dishtowels, an orange-scented candle, and yummy homemade pumpkin bread!
Raquel of Raquel's Box of Chocolate - Massachusetts >>pkg arrived
>> Raquels' package from Ed arrived with all sorts of Australian goodies: Anzac biscuits, Red Hill golden ale, Murray salt, and copies of the magazine he publishes.
Molly of my madeleine - Massachusetts >>pkg arrived
>> Molly's package from Rainey arrived and she LOVES it! It included delicious cheeses, babka, pumpkin apple bread, chocolates and other amazing things.
Jan - Massachusetts >>pkg arrived
>> Jan's package from Jessica arrived - details soon!
Cathy of my little kitchen - Maryland >>pkg arrived
>> My package from Ann arrived with lots of wonderful goodies - homemade cranberry sauce, several varieties of tea, candy, chestnuts, and the recipe for a fantastic sounding pumpkin bread pudding with caramel sauce.
Mia of Knit & Play with Fire - Maryland >>pkg arrived
>> Mia's package from Jess arrived with some Christmas pudding, tea, and chocolate. And, since they're both knitters, a skein of Colinette's Enigma yarn.
Kari The Power of Cheese - Maryland >>pkg in the mail
>> Kari's package from Jason arrived and I suspect it was the most unusual package in BBM3 - Jason filled a shipping tube with homemade oatmeal cookies and other treats, but the package was designed to resemble a Christmas cracker, complete with strings to pull on either end!
Randi of Culinary Adventures - Michigan >>pkg arrived
>> Randi's package from Stephanie arrived with rice crispie treats, apple pepper jelly, and some yummy chocolate sauce.
Heidi of Step Into My Thimble - Michigan >>pkg arrived
>> Heidi's package from Beth arrived with some fun foods associated with family traditions: chocolate easter eggs, spray cheese, Life Savers, and best of all, homemade Coconut Rum Diamonds!
Lisa Knitted and Purled - Minnesota >>pkg arrived
>> Lisa's package from Jan arrived after one false start (that leaking sourdough starter must have sent the post office into a tizzy!), but it was worth the wait. Filled with home cardamom cookies, spiced nuts, paradise jelly and much more!
Alanna of A Veggie Venture - Missouri >>pkg arrived
Beth - Missouri >>pkg arrived
>> Beth's package from Hannah arrived and included some yummy chocolate meringue cookies, a recipe for her grandmother's squash, and a really cute snowman cookie!
Jennifer of BeastlySum - Missouri >>pkg arrived
Kat - New Hampshire >>pkg arrived
>> Kat's package from Carol arrived with sticky rice cake and childhood memories of the Lunar New Year in Taiwan.
Amy of - New Jersey >>pkg arrived
>> Amy's package from Helen arrived with yummy ginger snaps, minced meat pies, and a recipe and rice to make baked rice pudding.
Debra of Here and There - New Jersey >>pkg arrived
>> Debra's package from Ana arrived - she says it was a huge box of veggie friendly and non-sugary stuff and well worth the wait!
Andrea of Tenacious Flog - New Mexico >>pkg in the mail
>> Andrea's package from Leslie arrived with a huge package of addictive "kitchen sink" cookies (plus the recipe), as well as a photo of Leslie's kitchen, a letter about her holiday traditions and a recipe for Holiday Yams, and a package of Alaskan hot cocoa mix.
Nupur of One Hot Stove - New York >>pkg arrived
>> Nupur's package from Sima arrived with a wonderful home baked buttermilk pound cake (and the recipe!) and foods reflecting both her Korean and Persian family traditions.
Heather of What She's Eating - New York >>pkg arrived
>> Heather's package from Mariko arrived - hope to hear more soon!
Lisa - New York >>pkg arrived
>> Lisa's package from Kat arrived and she loves it! Fresh herbs from Kat's garden, homemade cookies, and more...
Andrea of Sugar Substitute - New York >>pkg arrived
>> Andrea's package from Cheryl arrived with delicious homemade chocolate chunk cookies and the best caramel corn ever. Cheryl also included a variety of Singaporean treats including: dried cuttlefish shreds, fish strips, chocolate covered strawberry gummies, hawthorne flakes, Hall's Tangerine Soda candy, and laksa paste.
Jessica of Su Good Eats - New York >>pkg arrived
>> Jessica's package from Jennifer arrived with all sorts of homemade treats: her grandmother's Five-Flavor Pound Cake, Lemon Pound Cake, and Cranberry Biscotti. But wait, there's more! Homemade Strawberry Jam, and homemade Hot Pepper Jam - just amazing!
Stephanie of moschop knitting haven - New York >>pkg arrived
>> Stephanie's package from Jenn arrived with homemade pepper jelly, family recipes, fresh roasted coffee and much more!
Julie of A Finger in Every Pie - New York >>pkg arrived
>> Julie's package from Kriszti arrived with paprika in almost every form - pickled, powdered, and paste. There was also a salami, some Hungarian chocolate, and recipes.
Jennifer of Fallen Souffle - North Carolina >>pkg arrived
>> Jennifer's package from me arrived with date nut bread, cookies, US Senate bean soup, and a few more goodies.
Nico of NICO GALOPPO - North Carolina >>pkg arrived
>> Nico's package from Kim arrived with Albanian specialties, along with some Italian chocolates, and even Dutch ‘drop’ (black licorice candy). There was also an Albanian (but English-written) newspaper and two little cooking books about Albanian food.
Alice of My Adventures in the Breadbox - Ohio >>pkg arrived
>> Alice's package from Nic arrived with yummy baked goods and a bread book!
Holly of Craving Cleveland - Ohio >>pkg arrived
>> Holly's package from Twink arrived with a letter from Twink explaining how she was just about to celebrate Hari Raya and a number of foods representative of multi-cultural Malaysia.
Keri - Ohio >>pkg arrived
>> Keri's package from Stella arrived with some well-timed and much needed chocolate!
Helen - Ohio >>pkg arrived
>> Helen's package from Alanna arrived with gorgeous shortbread cookies and lots of cookie recipes.
Bev of Days of Yarn & Roses - Oklahoma >>pkg arrived
>> Bev's package from Lisa arrived with a lovely handknit dishcloth, muffins and cookies.
Mariko of super eggplant - Oregon >>pkg arrived
>> Mariko's package from Randi arrived filled with Canadian goodies such as Tim Horton's hot chocolate, chocolate bars and handmade dishcloths.
Michelle of the accidental scientist - Oregon >>pkg arrived
>> Michelle's package from Clare arrived with homemade cookies, Tim Tams, Cadbury chocolates, salt flakes, wasabi noodle snacks, Indian seasoning mixes, and decorative sprinkles for holiday baking.
Michelle - Pennsylvania >>pkg arrived
>> Michelle's package from Carrie arrived - details to follow!
Stella of StellaBites - Pennsylvania >>pkg arrived
>> Stella's package from Heidi arrived with homemade cookies, grape juice, soup, and jam - WOW!
Christiane of 24 Knits - Pennsylvania
Lindy of Toast - Pennsylvania >>pkg arrived
>> Lindy's package from Winnie arrived with regional treats from Italy - luscious chocolates, rich hazelnut spread, Bottarga di Orbetello, and a family recipe for potstickers.
Ruth - Pennsylvania >>pkg arrived
>> Ruth's package from Kitty arrived with some salad dressing, local honey and marmalade, BBQ sauce, chocolate, and family recipes.
Stephanie of - Pennsylvania >>pkg arrived
>> Stephanie's package from Kai finally arrived after a difficult journey - it was misdirected to her neighbor's house (who was out of town on vacation), then Stephanie moved to another state before her neighbor returned from vacation, finally Stephanie met up with her old neighbor on a return visit in March and received the package. Unfortunately, it was too late to enjoy most of the contents, but the thought and effort behind it was appreciated nonetheless!
Stephanie of Dispensing Happiness - Tennessee >>pkg arrived
>> Stephanie's package from Robin arrived and stirred up memories of California for Stephanie. It included some Chinese Fried Walnuts along with the recipe and a cute little pumpkin box.
Dixie of Dixie's Dragon - Tennessee >>pkg arrived
>> Dixie's package from Debbie arrived - yay! It included a Rendang sauce spice package, two peanut sauce spice packages, prawn crackers, agar agar, a Nestle Milo bar, and a slew of recipe cards.
Susan of Kawaii K-nitting - Tennessee >>pkg arrived
>> Susan's package from Debbie arrived with a Hawaiian dessert cookbook, guava jelly, crushed macadamia nuts, coffee, and a Hawaiian Christmas CD!
Michelle of The Baker's Rack - Texas >>pkg arrived
Diane of Bitchin' in the Kitchen - Texas >>pkg arrived
>> Diane's package from Stephanie arrived with almond pudding mix, ginger candies, chocolate that came with reproductions of art from Stephanie's local art museum, and Diane's new favorite - roasted pumpkin seed oil.
Amy of Not As Good As Pork Cracklins - Texas >>pkg arrived
>> Amy's package from Katherine arrived with homemade onion relish, homemade fudge, and a variety of spices.
Shelley of s'kat and the food - Virginia >>pkg in the mail
>> Shelley's package from Jess arrived with homemade treats reminiscent of home - rice crispy squares and M&M cookies - as well as some family recipes.
Grace of Virginia Food Lovers - Virginia >>pkg arrived
>> Grace's package from Karen arrived with delicious tropical fruit candies and Philipino sauces. Grace is especially excited about the crab fat that Kai sent and plans to make pansit palabok with it.
Sandra - Washington >>pkg arrived
Gaile of FidgetyBudgie - Washington >>pkg in the mail
>> Gaile's package from Diane arrived - a "lovely box of happiness" according to Gaile, with homemade strawberry jam, cheese wafers, spicy pecans... mmm!
Stephanie of da*xiang - Washington >>pkg arrived
>> Stef's package from Holly arrived with delicious homemade Kolache cookies and all sorts of cookie-making supplies - cookie cutters, sprinkles, and a sugar cookie recipe.
Shauna of Gluten-free Girl - Washington >>pkg in the mail
>> Shauna's package from Susan arrived - should hear more soon!


Nic said...

Just incredible, Cathy. I can't wait to see what eveyone sends out! I already have things in mind, but there's so much I want to send.

Heather said...

I can't wait!

Zarah Maria said...

I need one of those smilies with big round eyes and an open mouth and bouncy hair =:-o - yes, something like that! That is a LOT of people!! AWESOME! You're all gonna have a hoot doing this!

Cathy said...

yeah, but we're missing Denmark! :-(

Cathy said...

my little emoticon fell to pieces...


Anonymous said...

ooooh, that's SOOO exciting! cant' wait!

Rainey said...

That is one IMPRESSIVE list! Thanks so much for organizing it.

Cathy said...

Hi Choloe - I'm sorry, BBM3 sign-ups are closed now. I'm afraid you'll have to wait for BBM4. I believe that will be sometime after the holidays, so keep an eye out for the announcement!

Anonymous said...

eeee! I can't wait to give and receive!

Anonymous said...

Wow--that's a lot of people! I'm very excited--should be fun.

Nupur said...

Cathy, I love how this is unfolding...its so much fun to keep checking to see what other packages are coming in...this round-up is so well done!

Heidi said...

I mailed my box today! Those flat-rate Priority Mail boxes are a good deal if you are shipping within the US and have some heavy stuff to send, like I did. Look out BBM3 pal!!!

Nupur said...

My package has been in the mail for a week :( I'm getting worried...will it reach or not? We shall see...

Kai said...

Wow, that's so organized, Cathy!

My package was mailed from New York last Monday, Nov. 7, I expect it to arrive soon since my recipient lives in Virginia.

By the way, my recipient, Grace, has just started her own blog, Virginia Food Lovers (, hope you include the link.

- Karen from the Philippines

Rachael Narins said...

Sigh. I wish I had been able to take part, but I never even knew this was going on...pout. Yet another reason a food blogger calendar would be so awesome! I hope the packages are fun and tasty!


FoodNinja said...

Ahhh.. the packages are rolling accross the world.. I cant wait to see the results... This was my fav package to send.. the holiday theame was a great Idea,,, Cant wait... cant wait... Weeeeee

Cathy said...

Heidi and Karen - sorry I forgot to include your mailings in my list updates until just now!

Rachel - there actually is a calendar over on the IMBB site and I tried to get this event on it, but I think my message must have not have gotten through to Ronald. There will be another round of BBM soon, so keep an eye out for the announcement!

Jason - I can't wait either - more packages should be landing soon!

Anonymous said...

I mailed my package yesterday and it should arrive at it's final destination tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

My package is now in the mail~ ;)

s'kat said...

I mailed my package last Monday. It's got a long way to go, and I couldn't afford Priority shipping!

Nonetheless, it was so much fun to put it together! When I dropped it off at the Post Office, it was with a giddy sense of excitement.

Truly an example of how giving a gift is better than receiving one! Well, almost. ;)

Randi said...

I sent my package on Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy. My package is on the way. It'll take 7-8 working days by priority mail to reach the other side of the world!

Anonymous said...

Cathy--I'm sending mine today via priority, so it should reach the midwest in 2 or 3 days...

Anonymous said...

Hi, Cathy, I haven't received my parcel yet.

Cathy said...

Hi Karen - I'm sorry, my notation is a little confusing...

">>>pkg arrived" next to your name indicates the package you mailed was received .

">>>" below your name with a little description, indicates you received a package.

myCoffee said...

Hi Cathy,
Just want to drop a quick note to let you know that I'd just mailed my package out via EMS today.


Anonymous said...

package has been posted today! I have let recipient now, as there is some travelling involved!

Anonymous said...

Mailed my package more than a week ago. Haven't heard if it was received yet.

Robyn said...

Cathy, this has been a bunch of fun! Thanks for keeping it so organized! My packag went in the mail today. It should arrive on Monday!

Ana said...

Received my package yesterday. Unfortunately I'm late in sending. Hopefully, by the end of the week.

Anonymous said...

I got my wonderful package. Come read all about how lucky I am!

Anonymous said...

wow, i had no idea how long this list would get- thanks SO much for coordinating, Cathy! FYI, my package is in the mail. Sent it yesterday.

Heidi said...

Got my package from Beth in MO today! Yay!!

Anonymous said...

Got an email from Carrie that my parcel arrived there. She will email Cathy soon.

s'kat said...

Mine arrived last night, and you can read my post-up here.

Cathy, you're the woman! Thanks for spearheading this!

Anonymous said...

My package is on its way as well!! Bought way too much stuff, could send out another one. So if onyone is left parcel-less after a few weeks...:-)

adventure girl said...

I sent my package out this week! Luckily it doesn't have far too go!

Amy said...

Package arrived AND package in the mail!

Clivia said...

This was so much fun! When is BBM4? I can hardly wait...

Anonymous said...

I received my package and the write up is posted here:

Cathy said...

Kristina - I don't know exactly when BBM4 will be announced, but I believe it will take place after Christmas sometime. As soon as I see the announcement, I'll post word on my blog. I'm sure Nic and Samantha will also announce it on their blogs.

Rachael Narins said...

Oh my goodness! How do you keep track of them all!
Such fun!

Anonymous said...

BB4 already! Sigh. Desperately seeking my BBM3 (will continue to vicariously devour that of others...)

Thanks for posting BBM4 info!

Randi said...

I got my package today. I had ? send it to MI cause it was cheaper. I have NO clue who sent it to me though, she didnt tell me her blog name. I guess I'll go look on the list and see if I can figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Received my package from Caryn - yum. Post about it here:

mae said...

Hi Cathy,

I've stumbled upon your site and this is incredible... please can i join? This so exciting to miss.

Let me know...


Anonymous said...

Hi, I received my package- sorry for the late notice- photo of package to come. Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy!

I sent my package on the 12th November; it should have reached my swap partner in a couple of weeks at the latest. Now 3 have passed and I haven't received any news, yet. Did you hear anything from my partner?


Tracey said...

I got mine! from the marvelous Molly at my madeleine.

Good thing I took a picture...the cookies are GONE, GONE, GONE!

Deb Schiff said...

Hi Cathy,
The extremely generous Ana sent a huge box of veggie friendly and non-sugary stuff. I took some photos and will post them at my blog very soon. Was well worth the wait.

Deb Schiff said...

Hi Cathy,
Just me again -- I posted my photos and write-ups on the great big box from my blogging by mail partner, Ana.
Hope all is well with you.