Page 50 in the old book / page 83 in the new book
I swear it was an honest mistake. I forgot to give Phil his cookies this week. It had nothing to do with the fact that these were the worst cookies I've ever made from this book - bland and not at all sweet. Nor did I fear the sweetly scathing remarks that the cookies might have provoked. We were only in the office at the same time one day this week and I neglected to tell him about the two cookies I had placed in the freezer for him.
But if I anticipated that Phil would not like these cookies, I should have known that Suzanne would hate them. I had just been tending to something around the corner from Suzanne's office and was headed back to my own office. As I rounded the corner I came upon Suzanne standing outside her office. She had just taken her first bite from a 24-Karat cookie and had such a look on her face! I would describe it as shock mixed with distaste.
I was actually looking forward to these - thinking that they might be like little carrot cakes. They have grated carrots, raisins and walnuts in them. However, the only sweetener is half a cup of honey, which just isn't enough to make the cookies sweet. I don't think I'll be making these again, but if I did I'd be seriously tempted to top them with some cream cheese icing.
So here's the cookie panel with their thoughts ...
Suzanne: "Blah! Blah! Blah! After my initial shock that the cookie was soft and bland, I unsuccessfully tried to pick out the "RAISINS" (boo raisins) to salvage some part of the cookie. It wasn't worth the effort. This isn't Cathy's fault. Cathy is a great baker. It's the recipe. Rating - 0"
Denny: "Well Cathy you finally missed one or more likely the recipe did. It was OK but the nuts were barely detectable and it wasn't sweet enough. I did taste a bit of honey. I'd give it a 3 but will still check back later for any leftovers. Rating - 3"
Laura: "Tastes like carrot cake in a cookie! I especially love the walnuts & raisins/currants. Rating - 4"
Phil: I forgot to give Phil his cookies before he left on vacation - sorry!
Overall rating by the panel - 2.3
Mondays with Maida will be taking a little break, but will be back on May 23rd with Indian Figlets.
Nutrition Facts
Hi Cathy,
The cookies sound interesting enough, too bad they weren't a success...
Where are you going by the way?
Hi Reid! Yes, they looked good on paper. I do think a little icing would help a lot!
I'm going to Sicily!
Hi Cathy,
Ooooh!!!! How fun. Have a great time, take lots of pictures and eat lots of yummy food too!
Take care! =) I'm so jealous!
Hi Reid! - Thanks, I will!!! I am so ready for a vacation (any vacation!), but this one should be amazing!
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